
Monday, March 25, 2013

Chrysocolla the 'wise stone'

Chrysocolla  the 'wise stone'
is a hydrated copper silicate mineral with formula
Chrysocolla has a blue-green color and is a minor ore of copper, having a hardness of 2.5 to 3.5.
It is of secondary origin and forms in the oxidation zones of copper ore bodies. Associated minerals are quartz, limonite, azurite, malachite, cuprite, and other secondary copper minerals.
It is typically found as botryoidal or rounded masses and crusts, or vein fillings. Because of its light color, it is sometimes confused with turquoise.
Notable occurrences include Israel, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chile, Cornwall in England, and Arizona, Utah, Idaho, New Mexico, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in the United States.
A 2006 study has produced evidence that chrysocolla may be a microscopic mixture of the copper hydroxide mineral spertiniite, amorphous silica and water
Category        Silicate mineral
Formula: (repeating unit) (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·nH2O
Strunz classification           09.ED.20
Unit cell         a = 5.7 Å, b = 8.9 Å, c = 6.7 Å
Identification:Color            Blue, blue-green, green
Crystal habit Massive, nodular, botryoidal
Crystal system          Orthorhombic
Fracture        Irregular/uneven, sub-conchoidal
Tenacity         Brittle to sectile
Mohs scale hardness           2.5 - 3.5
Luster            Vitreous to dull
Streak            white to a blue-green color
Diaphaneity  Translucent to opaque

Chrysocolla gemstone is quite often confused with turquoise, as it has many of the same visual qualities as turquoise. But it is nothing like turquoise, past the visual standpoint.

For thousands of years, as legend tells it, chrysocolla has been a stone of conciliation and reassurance thought the world.

In ancient Egypt, it was called the 'wise stone' as those who wore it generally came up with clever comprises when it seems and unbearable pass in negotiations. It was also thought it would protect the wearer against psychological damage as well. Lore also tells that this stone had the power to make more violent people more sensitive and tolerant, which is apparently why Cleopatra carried chrysocolla with her everywhere she went.

This gemstone is rarely minded today, which is what creates its high price tag.
Chrysocolla benefits are focused on wisdom and peace. Enabling you to remain calm during chaotic situations
The clarity that this stone can bring will decrease nervousness. Allowing you to remain neutral and objective in heated disputes. Which makes this stone especially useful when dealing with trouble in a relationship.
It was used as a healing stone with native Indian tribes that attributed many powers to it. Not only calming the body and mind, but also increasing the resistance of the body to diseases and other influences.
Its astrological signs are Gemini and Taurus and is associated with the 5th chakra. While it is not an official birthstone it is sometimes used instead of turquoise which is the December birthstone
The name chrysocolla comes from the Greek words ‘chrysos’ which means gold and ‘kola’ meaning glue. Because in ancient times it was used by smiths as a solder when they were crafting gold jewelry.
Supposedly chrysocolla was first mined in the legendary mines of King Solomon. In ancient Egypt it was known as a wisdom stone.
Legend has it that Cleopatra carried a piece with her at all times. The main reason for this was the stone has a calming effect and boosts creativity.
Which was certainly a very useful ability when dealing with diplomats and rulers of the powerful nations that surrounded Egypt at the time. It allowed her to come up with clever solutions and compromises that kept her and her people in a powerful position.

The healing properties of chrysocolla are focused on calming the body. Which helps when dealing with infections and fevers. Chrysocolla is a copper gemstone, like azurite and malachite. People often use other copper items to enhance the powers of this stone.


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