
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

chrysanthemum: The Flower Stone

Chrysanthemum the flower Stone

For those who are not sure what I am writing about, the chrysanthemum flower stone (or just chrysanthemum stone) consists of a two-dimensional radiating mineral “frozen” in matrix that looks like a flower, in particular, a chrysanthemum. The stone may naturally expose the “flower” or more frequently it is carved or sand blasted to expose the “flowers” and to form the rock into irregular but somewhat artistic shapes. The rock with the “flowers” may be smoothed or polished to give it a finished look. Such products are very popular in the Far East. In recent years, small rocks with chrysanthemums have been fairly common in mineral shows in other countries.
The "Chrysanthemum Stone" occurs naturally in Enshi, Hubei Province, China. As the name implies, it is shaped like a Chrysanthemum flower. Most of the specimens are collected from river beds.

The actual "flowers" are embedded in a grey limestone with the minerals Celestite and Calcite constituting the "petal" and Chert the "stamen".

Normally the diameter of the flower ranges from 5 to 8 cm with the maximum being 50cm, The "flowers" are varied in shape with their petals stretching out freely in different attitudes.The "Chrysanthemum Stones" contains more than ten kinds of trace elements such as Selenium, Strontium, Gold, Silver and Bismuth.They are considered to be of Permian age (approx. 250 million years).
In China many of the chrysanthemum stones are found in Hunan Province, Kiuyan County along the Yung River (Li 1990). Here the matrix is Permian age Quixia Limestone. The chrysanthemum petals are blades of white to pale bluish gray, rarely transparent, bladed celestine crystals that radiate from a small chert nodule center (Li 1990). In some specimens the blades of celestine have been replaced by white calcite, and the matrix may be dyed a dark color to give a nice contrast between matrix and “flower.” When radiating celestine blades have a diameter of one inch or less, they can be more equal in width and length. Frequently in the larger radiations, the blades of celestine may be variable in width and length. Some blades dominate, being much longer and wider than the others, and so the radiation has less of a chrysanthemum appearance.
Chrysanthemum is a stone that awakens your true purpose in life and lends the support and courage necessary to follow your dreams. This stone brings unexpected opportunities (luck) once you have stepped on a chosen path.

Use Chrysanthemum to forge through obstacles to joy, love and abundance in your life.
Chrysanthemum Stone aids you in times of transformation. It is very good to have with you or in your surroundings when you are striving to reach your full potential. Thus it is good when working towards the attainment of goals.
It is useful to hold in meditation when you want to clarify your goals or gain insight into your hidden talents and potential for growth and success.

There is not allot written on Chrysanthemum it is a wonderful unique stone that deserves far more attention. Makes wonderful one-of- a- kind jewelry .

I highly recommend the book :

Chrysanthemum Stones
The Story of Stone Flowers

by Thomas S. Elias and Hiromi Nakaoji

This is the first book in English on these rare and extraordinarily beautiful stones with mineral formations resembling chrysanthemum flowers. A specialized focus of the art of stone appreciation that has flourished in Asia for over for 2,000 years, chrysanthemum stones are regularly exhibited and highly prized among natural artistic stones. Although found primarily in China and Japan, more recently examples are known from Korea and the western United States.


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