
Sunday, February 24, 2013


Today lets talk about Turquoise. This beautiful stone is one of my favorites of course I love all stones. They all have there own energy and beauty.  

Turquoise is one of the most beautiful semi-precious stones in all the world.  Indeed, it has been said that no other opaque stone is more beautiful and popular!  The archaeological record reveals that turquoise has long been cherished, with the earliest documented use going back to 6000 B.C. Egypt.

Mother nature was quite democratic in her allocation of this precious stone.  Although turquoise deposits are quite rare, quality turquoise is found in isolated locations on virtually every continent.  In North American, reserves of the highest quality of turquoise can be found in several southwest states, especially  Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.  In South America, Chile is home to some deposits of respectable quality.  The Eurasia continent is where turquoise was first mined and given its current name, a misnomer based on the false belief that this gem came from Turkey. Turquoise is also being mined in Egypt (in minute quantities) and in Australia.

Turquoise Gemstone meaning

Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures.

Strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity and connection to the spirit world

If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home.
This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it. Turquoise takes on the characteristics of the owner.
Turquoise carries great wisdom of basic truth within it. It is one of the oldest stones known. This is a stone that a person must learn to attune to instead of the stone attuning to the person. It is important that the owner of a Turquoise give it the proper attention.

Healing properties of Turquoise

  • Neutralizes overacidity
  • Alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections
  • Increases growth, muscular strength
  • Alleviates pain, relaxes cramps
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects
  • Application: should be worn on the solar plexus

History of Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone that has been prized for many years. The ancient Egyptians used turquoise in jewelry. Turquoise is greenish-blue or pale sky blue. The name means "Turkish stone" as it came to Europe by way of Turkey. Turquoise was mined more than 6,000 years ago in Sinai. The best turquoise comes from Iran, but not much is exported now. Much turquoise comes from Mexico and the United States today.

Turquoise range from a robin egg blue 

To my favorite veined green

Native American Indians believe 


Legend has it that the Native American Indians danced and rejoiced when the rains came. Their tears of joy mixed with the rain and seeped into Mother Earth to become SkyStone 
Turquoise, the "fallen sky stone" hidden in Mother Earth, has been valued by cultures for its beauty and reputed spiritual and life-giving qualities for over 7000 years. It is a true gem of the centuries. A long time ago someone noticed a clear blue line running through gray rock, and saw the imagery of sky and water in stone, and from that time on, turquoise has been cherished above all else in creation - turquoise, stone of sky, stone of water, stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health and long life.
Elsewhere, turquoise may come and go with fashion. Here turguoise is more precious then Gold, an enduring expression of Native American Indian culture. It is the birthstone of December and signifies success.
There is a wonderful fascination to turquoise, a feeling that takes hold of a person who comes in contact with it for a while. The fascination has been the same down through the centuries and it has been prized for thousands of years through many countries of the world.
Native American Indians had as many different words for turquoise as there were languages spoken. Many of the words translated into English as the sky stone evoking the sky-blue shade of the stone most commonly found. Native Americans had been working turquoise mines with stone mauls and antler picks for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans.
Native Americans believe that the earth is alive and that all things, no matter how small or apparently inanimate, are precious. To the Native Americans, turquoise is life. There are stones medicine men keep in their sacred bundles because they possess powers of healing. Stones and crystals have unique attributed that support and heal us. Turquoise, especially, is known for its positive healing energy, an aid in mental functions, communications and expression and as a protector. If you’re wearing a turquoise ring and you look down and see a crack in your stone, the Native Americans would say “the stone took it”, meaning the stone took the blow that you would have received.


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