
Friday, March 29, 2013

Green Serpentine Angel stone

The angel stoneGreen Serpentine ('s&r-p&n-"tEn)

General and Scientific

The serpentine group describes a group of common rock-forming hydrous magnesium iron phyllosilicate ((Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4) minerals; they may contain minor amounts of other elements including chromium, manganese, cobalt or nickel. In mineralogy and gemology, serpentine may refer to any of 20 varieties belonging to the serpentine group. Owing to admixture, these varieties are not always easy to individualize, and distinctions are not usually made. There are three important mineral polymorphs of serpentine: antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite.

Many types of serpentine have been used for jewellery and hardstone carving, sometimes under the name false jade or Teton jade.
Serpentine is the name used for several different aggregate structures which are usually green, yellowish green, or brownish green in color. The finer serpentine is cut as cabochons for gemstones, or carved into decorative objects. Though serpentine is sometimes confused with jade, serpentine is usually spotted or veined.

The serpentine group includes as many as 20 different members. All the serpentines are a basic magnesium silicate, with many containing iron as well. Other elements may also be present in small quantities, including chromium, nickel and cobalt.

Two basic structures for serpentine are usually distinguished -- antigorite (leafy serpentine) and chrysotile (fibrous serpentine). The chrysotile minerals are more likely to form serpentine asbestos, while antigorite forms cryptocrystalline masses sometimes with a lamellar or micaceous character. Since asbestos fibers are a health hazard only the antigorite form is used for gemstones or carvings.
Most serpentine are opaque to translucent, with a hardness rating ranging from 2.5 to 5.5. Antigorite tends to be the harder variety. Serpentine is fairly light, with a density of 2.44 to 2.62, slightly lower than quartz. Luster ranges from greasy to waxy to silky. Serpentine is known to be susceptible to acids.

A number of trade names have been introduced to refer to serpentine variants, including bastite, bowenite, connemara, verd-antique and williamsite. You may also encounter terms such new jade, noble serpentine and precious serpentine. However the latter three terms are not used in gemology.
Serpentine varieties are found in many places in the world, including Afghanistan, Burma, China, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, UK, Greece, Italy and Norway.

Mystical, Healing and Magical Properties

It is said to help one find inner peace, calmness, and a long life; instills in the bearer a respect for the elderly and wards off snake bites.
Seraphinite is often referred to as the Angel Stone because of its feathery appearance and its reported ability to facilitate contact and communication with the angels. It is a very spiritual stone, believed to increase psychic awareness and intuition and to encourage out of body journeys during meditation.

Seraphinite is said to help you to find your higher purpose and to identify the actions you need to take to allow you to experience peace and fulfilment.
Seraphinite raises the conscious mind to a higher vibration; aids in finding one's higher purpose and the will to align with it; aids meditation; increases spiritual awareness; opens psychic abilities; clears the chakras; stimulates and opens the crown chakra; protects the physical body during metaphysical work
To dream of serpentine symbolizes that someone near you will do something treacherous.

This stone is an exceptional meditation stone, it will assist one in finding inner peace, as well as clearing the mind to become closer with oneself, but it should be reinforced with jade or chrysoprase to temper the energy.

Although Serpentine is known for its kundalini awakening... other Serpentine properties make it a very useful stone.

Elemental beings may be encouraged to make contact with you and using this stone may also aid you to make contact with angelic guidance.

Serpentine stone often contains Black Magnetite or Lodestone within it... which is a magnetic mineral. Natural Serpentine with this inclusion look quite different to the normal green stones. They may aid you to access the energy of the planet and may aid those who wish to heal the earth. Place a piece of the Serpentine rock in your garden to aid the process.

In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings
Serpentine has been used for treating a wide range of physical disorders. It is beneficial for cardiac irregularities, stomach and bowel issues, kidney disorders, and menstrual problems

It can be worn or placed directly on the skin to help women with menstrual issues, such as pain and cramps, it is also said to help regulate the milk flow when one is lactating, as well as assisting women who are unable to reach orgasm due to tension. It will even out the moods and calm the wearer when in stressful or hectic situations.

It is an excellent stone for cellular regeneration and to assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs. It may also aid healing of diabetes as well as eliminate parasites, and assisting it's wearer to better absorb both magnesium and calcium.
Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, lactation

In ancient civilizations, serpentine was used as a talisman, it was said to protect against demonic powers as well as promoting fertility. It is still used to protect against snake bites, poison and magic spells. In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings and temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace.

This stone is an ancient stone... and it resonates within those ancient reptilian areas of the brain. It will aid you to rewire your brain... and it may aid you to let go of any aggression you might be feeling. Combine it with Seraphinite for this use, as it is an excellent combination.
Jordan's Jewelry Designs
I hope you enjoyed the information on Green Serpentine the wonderful green stone 

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