
Tuesday, February 26, 2013



General Gemstone Details

Aventurine is a slightly translucent to opaque variety of microcrystalline quartz; it contains tiny inclusions of shiny materials which is what gives the stone a sparkling effect known as aventurescence. Inclusion that consist of mica will give a silvery shimmer, while inclusions of hematite will give a reddish or gray sparkle.

Common aventurine ranges in color from green, to brown, peach, yellow and red; there is even a blue aventurine which is quite beautiful. Aventurine is often mistaken for amazonite, jade and even chalcedony when the coloring is creamy enough.

Interestingly enough the name of the stone was derived from a happy accident. Sometime during the eighteenth century, Venetian glass workers were preparing molten glass when copper filings accidentally fell into the batch producing a sparkling glass product. The name aventurine comes from the phrase "a ventura" which means "by chance".

This is also how goldstone came about, and many have attempted to simulate aventurine in the same fashion as goldstone.

Some of the earliest most primitive stone tools (such as axes) fashioned by the ancestors of man over two and a half million years ago were made of quartz varieties such as aventurine. These materials were used, no doubt for their hardness and isotropic brittleness which is what made it possible to shape the tools with relative ease and dexterity.
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Scientific Properties:

Mohs Hardness of 7 with a trigonal crystal structure..

A variety of quartz, Aventurine deposits are found in Brazil, India, Austria, Russia, Spain, Chile and Tanzania.

Aventurine is often mistaken for jade as well as amazonite due to it's coloring. It is also often called Indian Jade with is not correct either. The true green aventurine has fuchsia mica inclusions, while the greenish brown has goethite and the brown has pyrite.

Mystical Properties

Aventurine is an all around 'luck' stone, in any color; although the green color of this stone seems to be the most powerful. Aventurine gives the wearer inner equilibrium and it stimulates dreaming. It is said to have a positive effect on the psyche, strengthening an individuals sense of self, being the ideal stone for those who are looking f or a positive view of life.


This stones is used in healing and balancing the emotions, helping us to communicate more clearly and creatively. It stimulates creativity, intellect as well as independence. It is told to enhance leadership qualities allowing the wearer to act decisively with strong intuitive power. It is also said to provide patience, eliminate stubbornness, control excitability and to give one a deeper understanding of the cause and effect in situations thus allowing one to more completely understand any situation and to assist in finding the optimal solution.


This stone is told to relieve anxiety and calm one's emotions, to bring about opportunity and to give good luck in gabling. It is said to have the ability to enhance the sense of humor and cheerfulness of its possessor. While it makes a powerful good luck piece to draw opportunities your way, it may also draw unexpected adventures and good luck in love.


ThIs the right stone to assist with decision making skills and to enhance creativity. This is a good stone for writers, artist, musicians or anyone in the creative field, to help opening up and enhance creative visualizations.           


Red aventurine has the basic qualities of all aventurine as well as additional qualities due to it's color and composition. It not only enhances creativity, it grants the ability to see possibilities. It can bring prosperity and less negativity.

Healing Properties:

Aventurine will help one make decisions from the heart, stimulating creative inspiration and giving the courage to live your truth around others (light to dark shades of green), it is a comforter and supporter as well as a balancing stone. Pure green has strong healing energy. Many believe that it has the capability to calm a troubled spirit and bring about inner peace.

Blue aventurine physically is said to help the body release toxins, and to provide strength to those suffering from wasting diseases.

Green aventurine physically is told to have been successful in psychotherapy, treating disorders of the heart and lungs as well as increasing flexibility in the muscles. It is often used to improve eyesight.

Peach aventurine physically is beneficial for the lungs, heart adrenal glands and the urogenital system.

Red aventurine physically it told to hold the power to heal the reproductive system, and sometimes to reverse diseases.

The stone should be worn for longer periods of time to gain effectiveness, possibly in the case of an acute illness, taping it to the affected area will be more successful. Cleanse your stone once a month under running water and recharge it in the sun.

Magical Properties:

Energy: Projective
Element: Air
Powers: Mental powers, eyesight, gambling, money, peace, healing and luck

Aventurine is worn, carried or used in spells that are designed to increase perception, to stimulate creativity, and to enhance intelligence. It is utilized in games of chance and it commonly known as the gambler's stone.

This stone is often used in money attracting magic, and it is known as an all-around good luck stone.


Associations: Mercury

Stone of Cancer most strongly, but also for Taurus and Sagittarius, aventurine symbolizes tranquility, creativity and patience.

Chakra Classification:

Blue aventurine is for working on the 4th, or Heart Chakra for emotional balance and love energy.

Green aventurine is for keeping the 6th, or Third Eye/Brow Chakra and 7th, or Crown Chakra open.

Peach aventurine is for gently increasing the energy of the2nd, or Sacral/Navel Chakra.

Red aventurine is associated with both the 2nd, or Sacral/Navel Chakra and the 1st, or Root/Base Chakra.


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